Breast Cancer Action Ottawa

BCA OttawaThe goal of this project is to ensure that every woman having a mastectomy is presented with a certificate so she can procure a post-op camisole that will be at no cost to her. Kelly’s (Mastectomy) Boutique is raising the monies for these camisoles and is not charging the patient for these. As of January 2014, the Kelly Project is a collaboration project with Breast Cancer Action (BCA). BCA volunteers and staff will distribute these to all hospitals in the greater Ottawa area performing mastectomies at the patient’s pre-op session. These sessions are a “godsend” according to women who come in for the camisole. They truly do appreciate it. This also gives them a chance to see just how much is available for them, and just as importantly to see and feel what prosthesis are like if this is their choice.

We have found that patients who come in before the surgery and are shown the variety and selection of prosthesis and garments makes it so much easier for them; it also allows us to explain the process as far as timing to be fitted for the prosthesis and brassieres after the surgery and what we look for when fitting her.  Most are completely surprised at just how much is available for them.  This seems to be such an inspiring and uplifting experience for women that I feel it should be strongly recommended that they come in prior to surgery.

The garment has drain management capabilities, comes with lightweight puffs that will get the patient through to the time she is ready for an actual prosthesis. Patients can wear the garment home from the hospital. The garment offers some compression and will help keep bandages in position.  The straps are easily opened for dressing changes and examinations. Women generally comment that this garment is soft and comfortable; the fibres are infused with aloe and vitamin E.

The certificates are issued for women having mastectomies or complex, invasive lumpectomies.

BCA is a local organization for women living with a breast cancer diagnosis.